I love how gardening is having such a resurgence around the United States. Or maybe it never left, I'm just more in tune to its presence now. For example, I was grocery shopping a couple weeks ago at a King Soopers with one of those Starbucks near the entrance. Low and behold, there was a box of free coffee grounds - Grounds for your Garden. I snagged the last two bags and put them in our compost holding container. Since we have a tumbler composter, it's recommended to fill with it your materials then stop adding materials until the batch is done, which is the stage we are in right now. Since I didn't want to stop collecting kitchen scraps, we took a plastic tub with some holes and that's where "compost ingredients of the future" go. Other exciting news, I finally broke down and agreed to get a shed for our back yard. There are so many bulky items taking up our garage (i.e., wheelbarrow, fertilizer spreader, various sleds and kid equipment, etc.....